Water, A Necessity for Every Bikram Practitioner

The thing that is very important for new people to Bikram to know is that they need to keep themselves properly hydrated. Bikram will make you sweat, this is a fact that every practitioner of Bikram Yoga will become very familiar with. At most, if not all, Bikram studios – you can buy bottles of water but it is going to wind up getting very expensive very quickly. Being a 273 pound woman, I wind up drinking two liters of water in a single class period. Sometimes, I remember to bring my stainless steel water bottle but I tend to forget so I wind up spending $4 on bottled water at the studio. Not very cost effective for the practitioner who is hoping to make her practice daily – as that would amount to $28 a week or $112 per month. $112 per month on water… not very economical at all.

So, for the new practitioner, it is vital to get a water bottle or two that you can bring into your studio. Some have restrictions on the types of water bottles they will allow (for example, Mile High Bikram Yoga says that only plastic water bottles are allowed in the hot yoga room but the Bikram Yoga studios in Longmont and Westminster sell Sigg and Stainless Steel water bottles). So check with the studio you think you might be doing more practice at and consider how much water you really need during your practice. Right now, I think I can get away with a water bottle that is 1.5 Liters but, as in all things, your mileage may vary.